DevOps services in Romania also include the CD- Continuous Delivery part. Continuous delivery is the second part of the “CI/CD pipeline” and is one of the main poles of modern application development. Continuous delivery is a specific software development method witch enables automated release to production or test environments of code changes. A well performed CD – continuous delivery process will result in deployment-ready builds that developers will be able to release promptly. Cloud technologies are in favor of CD – continuous delivery practices because it facilitates a financially effective solution for replicating or creating test environments.
In particular, continuous delivery includes automated testing at different levels, from various perspectives, such as: UI testing, load testing, API reliability testing, integration testing. Due to the continuous delivery process, software development teams will be able to discover issues before deploying to customer infrastructure.
Continuos Delivery At Codespring
For Codepring software development team, CD continuous delivery came as a natural continuation of agile practices and iterative feedback loops. We were practicing part of the CD – continuous delivery before the term was cornered by the global tech community. The great thing of CD – continuous delivery is that it pushes software for release faster and in a more reliable manner. The software improvement is constant due to the continuous integration of feedback.
The Benefits of Continuous Delivery
As part of the current DevOps practices, CD – continuous delivery have proven to have a positive impact on customer business and on the overall software development life cycle. Here we count only a few benefits, but we are ready to talk more about the reasons we use CD tools.
Increased Market Competitivity
More automation means to deploy faster. Deploying faster means getting faster to the market and making more business. Continuous delivery is exactly about shorter SDLC.
Code Making Money
Bringing the code in production makes money, instead of waiting to be deployed. Any business who uses software wants to put it work at their advantage and to make their stakeholders life easier. Continuous delivery means that code can be delivered at any time.
Retain Talent
Happy developers stay more at the company. Why? Because when you can release them from manual tasks they can focus on important projects and be alert on solving problems. CD fosters a collaborative engineering that appeals to developers across the world.
Higher Code Quality
Since testing is automated, errors are detected far more in advance, giving the opportunity to fix them way before the deployment. Developers will cooperate better with Ops teams due to these automations and constant feedback.
Continuous Delivery Tools
CD – continuous delivery tools are numerous and diverse. The continuous delivery pipeline includes a set of sub-processes that require each indivodually different toos. In the following table we willhiglight a few of the more frequent CD tools.
Software Containers:
- JBoss
- Tomcat
Build Tools:
- Ant
- Rake
- Maven
Code Review & Insight tools:
- Crucible
- Fisheye
Code Insight:
- Fisheye
Continuous Integration:
- GitLab
- Jenkins
- AWS Pipeline
Cloud IaaS & PaaS tools:
- Windows Azure
- Google App Engine
- Heroku
DB Management tools:
- Oracle
- SQL Server
Infrastructure Automation:
- Puppet
- Chef
Dependency Management:
- AWS Glue Dependency
Deployment Automation:
- AWS CodeDeploy
- Jenkins
Integrated Development Environment (IDE):
- Eclipse
- Visual Studio
Issue Tracking:
- Mantis
Provisioning tools
Monitoring tools
- Cucumber
- JMeter
- Selenium
Version-Control System:
- SVN/Subversion
- Perforce