On the 17th of May 2011, 14.00 a.m., Codespring has the privilege to welcome you at the workshop prepared for ELECTROTECH 2011, organized by OSUT (The Technical University Student Organization). The event will take place in the Technical University from Cluj-Napoca, left building, 1st floor, room 41.
OSUT is a local NGO aiming to promote and defend the rights of all students at the Technical University in Cluj-Napoca. Additionally OSUT is actively involving its members and sympathizers in various volunteer and educational projects.
ELECTROTECH is one leading project, comprising meetings, seminars, and workshops provided by partner major local companies. Firstly, the event tries to stimulate the interaction between future graduates and their potential employers. Secondly, practical workshops allow technical students to get in touch with real study cases and obtain information about the most widely used technologies and methodologies.
Codespring’s schedule for tomorrow:
• brief presentation of Codespring company profile;
• abstract of major software development projects;
• workshop: this season, our theme is “Portlet development under Liferay”
Once again, having an updated Résumé is recommended. Our HR specialist will mark the closure of our meeting by announcing Internship Schedule for 2011 and the ways you can apply for future openings at Codespring.
Codespring is looking for talented people to join its technical team. You have a chance to stand out and leave a good impression!
Meet you tomorrow at ELECTROTECH 2011!