IT Career FAQ

How can I start a career in IT in Romania?2022-12-15T13:50:17+03:00

Romania is a hot target for IT recruiters. If you enjoyed mathematics, informatics and logic during your high school years, you can follow a specialization in computer science and information technology. You can either join the courses at the university or attend alternative programming and IT courses.

How can I start a career in IT in Transylvania?2022-12-15T13:50:30+03:00

Transylvania is lucky to have some of the rising IT centres in Romania: Cluj-Napoca (the so praised Silicon Valley of Romania), Brașov, Sibiu, Târgu-Mureș, Oradea, Timișoara. Therefore, if you are living in the region, you should start looking for jobs in these cities.

Codespring is opening IT positions in Transylvania, as the software development projects require it. Therefore, the best way to do it is to follow our career page.

How can I start a career in IT in Cluj-Napoca?2022-12-15T13:50:47+03:00

Cluj-Napoca, the 2nd city of Romania, is also the 2nd IT growth pole of Romania. After Bucharest, the capital of the country, Cluj-Napoca is for sure the city woth most IT jobs offers. You have to look around for the job openings available according to your skills set. If you have just finished high school or university studies, you could also orient yourself towards an internship at one of the IT companies in Cluj-Napoca.

As our peer IT companies, Codespring is also offering an internship and mentoring program. Follow our Mentoring section here:

If you have already some experience in software development and you are moving to Cluj-Napoca, simply follow the career opportunities at our company here.

What type of jobs can I get in a software development company?2022-12-15T13:46:18+03:00

Software development companies are dynamic environments evolving as technology evolves too! Jobs in software development also vary from one company to another, but the core jobs historically revolve around the software development process.
In order to have an idea about the jobs you can have in a software development company please have a look at the list below:

  • Junior Software Developer
  • Expert Software Developer
  • Leader Software Developer
  • Software Architect
  • QA Engineer
  • Business Analyst
  • UX/UI Developer
  • Tester
  • Project Manager
  • Product Manager
  • System Administrator
  • DevOps Engineer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • Web Developer
  • Mobile Developer
  • Cloud Software Engineer
  • Frontend Developer
  • Backend Developer
  • Java Developer
  • Python Developer
  • C++ Developer
  • C# Developer
  • PHP Developer
  • .Net Developer

… and the list may continue

What programming languages should I learn?2022-12-15T13:58:45+03:00

You are at the beginning of your career and you do not know with which programming language to start? The correct answer is: It depends. You can choose between following your own goals and the most in-demand programming languages.

Naturally, you can check this with your local programming community or seek an employer who is also providing training for the language they currently need.   Essentially, it is important to simply start learning.

How to get recruited for a software developer job?2022-12-15T14:08:53+03:00

As for any other job, in order to get hired as a software developer, the most important tool is your resume or CV. Pay attention to the details showing your software development experience, your technical competencies and soft skills. Be clear and specific about your career goals, about your training background, so that recruiters can filter correctly among the incoming applications.

For more details, our HR department at Codespring can give you relevant information and tips.

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