Fine tuning the responsibilities is a major step for Codespring and the parties involved in the software development and outsourcing process. Each client has distinctive requirements and way of communicating with us. The key to success is that within any development project, we adapt ourselves and deliver best results.
Detailing responsibilities will result in clear definition of the requirements and of the output that each party is accountable for. Depending on the type of the envisioned engagement model – outsourcing, near shoring, offshoring or extended teams – responsibilities will vary.
The fine tuning process starts at the beginning of the software development project but continues along the entire life cycle. As the time span in which software products and applications are being released on the market, it is recommended that all teams, providers and project stakeholders be able to handle subtle adjustments.
Another important aspect is that responsibilities stream among the management operations, execution operations and the quality assurance operations. That is why communication processes must carry correct and exact messages, conveying the responsibilities and due expectations.