For more than 30 years, the Hungarian Students’ Association from Timisoara (TMD) has been trying to reach out to a wide range of Hungarian students. TMD’s most prestigious and largest event is the Scientific Conference for Students in Technology (MTDK), which is the preliminary round of the biannual National Scientific Conference for Students (OTDK) in Hungary.

The conference, which has been highly acclaimed in Hungary since the 1950s, was first organized in Timisoara in 1999, Transylvania. This year, the MTDK was organized for the 23rd time in Timisoara between 6-8 May 2022, with the participation of about 80 students in technology from all over the country.
During the MTDK, students studying in technical disciplines presented their research papers and innovations in the field of technical science to a panel of highly respected judges from the various departments. The jury evaluated and praised or even mentored the papers to ensure that the best ones qualified for the OTDK.
The organizers consider that the conference has achieved its goal of providing an opportunity for scientific and professional development beyond university education, a platform for the academic competition of Hungarian students studying in Transylvania and abroad and a networking opportunity with renowned and experienced professionals.
In addition to the presentation and judging of papers, the event also included sightseeing, cultural, scientific and entertainment activities. The event, which lasted almost three days, ended with a ceremony to announce the overall results and to award the prizes to the participants.